Saturday, January 16, 2010

Has Google Nexus One failed?

Mobile application analyst Flurry estimates that Google sold around 20,000 units of its recently released Nexus One phone in the first week of the device going on sale, putting initial Nexus One sales well behind those of smart phone devices made by other competitors.

Hype surrounding Google's flagship device generated "unprecedented buzz," and left bloggers and consumers expecting high handset sales.

Estimated Nexus one sales are weak, however, when compared to Motorola Droid's first week sales of 250,000 units and not even a drop in the water when compared to Apple's iPhone 3GS first week sales of more than 1,600,000 units.

"Flurry estimates that Nexus One was outsold by Droid by more than 12 times, myTouch 3G by 3 times and iPhone 3GS by a staggering 80 times," wrote Peter Farago on Flurry's blog on January 13.

via Indiatimes

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